A personal blog by Jason Hill about coding, technology, hobbies, and much more

Hello To-do

A love letter to the humble to-do list where I advocate for it to be the new hello world.

Get Jammin' with the Jamstack

The Jamstack is here to unite JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. The results are speedy, security, and scalable websites and apps.

Learn how to refactor an existing Xamarin.Forms application to utilize Xamarin.Forms Shell.

A look into Azure Functions and their many usage scenarios - Part 2.

A look into Azure Functions and their many usage scenarios - Part 1.

Azure: ARM Template Tips

Azure ARM templates are a great tool for creating and updating Azure Resources, now learn some great tips when using them.

Into the Cosmos with the Cassandra API

Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s globally distributed, multi-model database service, and in this article, we will take a closer look at the Cassandra API.

Xamarin: From Zero to Certified

My journey from n00b to Xamarin Certified Developer.

Overview of NG Conf 2017 - Day 3.

Overview of NG Conf 2017 - Day 2.

Overview of NG Conf 2017 - Day 1.

Out with 2014 and in with 2015. Highlights on tools and technologies that will have an impact on web development throughout 2015.

Why Distributed Version Control Systems?

What are distributed version control systems and why should you care about them.

A look at how AngularJS can be used to refactor a web app to take advantage of AngularJS's powerful features.

Get familiar with CSS preprocessor, what are they, what they can do, and what are three of the most populare ones.
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